ProStationAudio Windows: Timeline

The Timeline window is a timeline editor for both audio and automation data.

Set Editor:Audio - Toolbar Button

Use this button to set the edit mode to Audio and have the timeline display the audio edit lists. This command modifies the toolbar structure.

Set Editor:Automation - Toolbar Button

Use this button to set the edit mode to Automation and have the timeline display the automation tracks. This command modifies the toolbar structure.

Magic Wand - Toolbar Button

Use this button to toggle on/off the Magic Wand tool. The Magic Wand tool helps you to quickly define ranges by analizing audio waveforms and automatically recognizing music beats, words, silence,...

When toggling the Magic Wand on, a palette window opens. It lets you choose the detection mode:
  • Music Beats
  • Audio Signal
  • Silence
and the tollerance factor. Higher tollerance factors force ranging on larger areas.

To define a range click on an object's waveform.
To extend a ranged area SHIFT-click at another point.

Show/Hide Range - Toolbar Button

Use this button to show/hide (make active / inactive) the defined range, if any.

To define a range CTRL-drag over the timeline.

Mixdown To Disk - Toolbar Button

Use this button to mixdown to file the ranged area of the timeline (or the whole timeline if no range is active).

This function is usefull both for track bouncing and exporting the mixdown to another application/platform.

Freehand Scrubbing - Toolbar Button (available depending on version)

Use this button to enable/disable freehand audio scrubbing. When enabling freehand scrubbing, the application zooms to the selected track, displaying an interval around the cursor position.

When freehand scrubbing is enabled, click and drag on the time ruler to audition.

Looped Scrubbing - Toolbar Button (available depending on version)

Use this button to enable/disable looped audio scrubbing. This setting affects how freehand scrubbing works. If looped scrubbing is enabled, when scrubbing the application plays an interval, starting at the cursor position, in looped mode.

When freehand scrubbing is enabled and looped scrubbing is enabled as well, click and drag on the time ruler to audition in looped scrubbing. You can change the loop duration by hitting the LEFT/RIGHT keys on the fly, while auditioning.

Looped scrubbing is operative only if you select also freehand scrubbing.

Show Less/More Tracks - Toolbar Button (available depending on version)

Use this button to have the timeline display less/more tracks.

You can scroll the timeline to display unvisible tracks by using CTRL-UP / CTRL-DOWN, after activating the timeline window.

Some version replaces the icons above with this icon, on the right border of the timeline.

Shrink Track - Toolbar Button

Use this button to vertically shrink the selected track.

Expand Track - Toolbar Button

Use this button to vertically expand the selected track.

Edit Mode: Overwrite - Toolbar Button

Use this button to select the Overwrite edit mode.

If this mode is selected, when you insert a new object it will overwrite the underlaying part of the track if empty. If some overlapping with other objects occurs, the current Overlap Mode setting determines how to handle the overlapping parts.

Edit Mode: Insert - Toolbar Button

Use this button to select the Insert edit mode.

If this mode is selected, when you insert a new object in a track the rest of the track is shifted forward in time to make room for the new item.

When you delete an object the rest of the track is shifted backward in time to cover the empty area left by the removed item.

When you try to insert an object over another one, the underlaying object gets splitted and the new item is inserted in-between the two parts.

Set Overlap Mode: Crossfade - Toolbar Button

Use this button to set the objects overlap mode to crossfade.

When this mode is selected, dragging an object over another creates a cross fade. You can create as many crossfades as you like without impact on the system performaces as fades are calculated in advance for later access, and stored in the project directory.

Set Overlap Mode: Hard Edit - Toolbar Button

Use this button to set the objects overlap mode to hard edit.

When this mode is selected, dragging an object over another causes the first one to be cut at the timecode were the second one starts.

Set Overlap Mode: Align - Toolbar Button

Use this button to set the objects overlap mode to align.

When this mode is selected, dragging an object over another forces the object you moved to be aligned at the end point of the other object.

Cut Object Head - Toolbar Button

Use this button to cut the head of the selected object at the cursor position.

The cursor must be over the selected object for this command to operate.

Split Object - Toolbar Button

Use this button to split the selected object in two parts, at the cursor position.

The cursor must be over the selected object for this command to operate.

Cut Object Tail - Toolbar Button

Use this button to cut the tail of the selected object at the cursor position.

The cursor must be over the selected object for this command to operate.

Show/Hide Automation - Toolbar Button

Use this button to show/hide fader and pan automation paths superimposed to the selected track.

The upper graph maps the pan path, the lower one maps the fader path.

Select Automation Controller - Toolbar Button

Use this button to cycle through the automation controllers list. This button selects the next item in the controllers list.

Go To Previous Variation - Toolbar Button

Use this button to move the cursor backward to the nearest discontinuity (on the vertical axis) of the selected automation track.

Go To Next Variation - Toolbar Button

Use this button to move the cursor forward to the nearest discontinuity (on the vertical axis) of the selected automation track.

Fade To Next Variation - Toolbar Button

Use this button to have the current controller on the selected track moved smoothly from the value at the cursor position forward to the value present at the nearest discontinuity point.

Edit Tool:Line - Toolbar Button

Use this button to set the automation editing tool to line drawing.

Click and drag on the automation track to draw automation paths.

Edit Tool:Delta - Toolbar Button

Use this button to set the automation editing tool to delta drawing.

Click at the right of the cursor and drag to alter the values starting from the cursor position to the next discontinuity point.

This mode works better over segments containing a constant value (horizontal segments).

Edit Tool:Bias - Toolbar Button

Use this button to set the automation editing tool to bias drawing. This mode adds a constant value (bias) to the automation track.

Click and drag vertically.

This mode works on ranged areas if a range is active.

Edit Tool:Relative Bias - Toolbar Button

Use this button to set the automation editing tool to relative bias drawing. This mode adds a constant value (bias) to the automation track. The curve is altered automatically by the application to avoid graph clipping (this form of clipping is unrelated to audio clipping).

Click and drag vertically.

This mode works on ranged areas if a range is active.

Edit Tool:Scale - Toolbar Button

Use this button to set the automation editing tool to scale drawing. This mode multiplies the automation track times a scale value.

Click and drag vertically.

This mode works on ranged areas if a range is active.

FKeys Area

This area is used to access marker, range, view banks.

Click on the button on the left to toggle among different banks.

  • To store values in one of the ten slots shift-click on it.
  • To recall values from a slot click on it.

NOTE: Hilighted slots contain stored values. Click to recall, shift-click to overwrite.

Info Area

This area is used to display the values of parameters such as range start, end, length,...

Markers Area

This area is used to display markers' labels.

You can place markers by using the function keys of your keyboard. Ten markers are available.

  • To place a marker at the cursor position hit SHIFT-F1:F10
  • To recall a marker hit F1:F10
  • To rename a marker hit LALT-F1:F10

Time Ruler

Use this control to check what portion of the timeline is displayed and to move the cursor quickly.

Click and drag to move the cursor.

(available depending on version)
Double-click to start playback at the clicked position.
Click and drag to audition when in scrubbing mode.

Track Icons (available depending on version)

This control includes various sub-controls.

The switch button switches a track on/off. When a track is on, it's audio data is streamed from disk during playback, regadless the state of the Mute control in the mixing console. You can Mute a track that is swiched on, while you can't listen to a track that is switched off, regardless the settings in mixing console.

Basically, the timeline/mixing console pair acts as a couple of cascaded filters. The timeline lets you decide what tracks are routed to the mixing console, the mixing console lets you decide what tracks (among those passed by the timeline) are routed to the master bus.

The text area displays the track name. You can select a track by clicking on its name or clicking on the track itself in the tracks area.

Double-click a track name for auditioning the track in soloed mode.

You can edit the name of the selected track by using the Rename Track... item in the Audio menu.
You can also change the color of the selected track text area by hitting SHIFT-1:8.

Track Icons (available depending on version)

This control includes various sub-controls.

The text area displays the track name. You can select a track by clicking on its name or clicking on the track itself in the tracks area. The selected track is identified by a colored box on the right of its name.

You can edit the name of the selected track by using the Rename Track... item in the Audio menu.
You can also change the color of the selected track text area by hitting SHIFT-1:8.

Use the headphone icon to solo a track.
Please note that this icon acts on the virtual memory manager and can be operated only when playback is stopped. You can use the Console window to solo tracks in realtime.

Use the speaker icon to switch a track on/off.
Please note that this icon acts on the virtual memory manager and can be operated only when playback is stopped. You can use the Console window to mute tracks in realtime.

Use the lock icon to lock/unlock a track. When a track is locked its objects can't be moved.

Region List

Use this listview to handle audio regions for your project.

A region is automatically created and inserted into the region list each time you import an audio file. Such a region is called a root region as it extends over the whole file. You can create and destroy sub regions but a root region for each file you want to work on must be present in the region list.

Please note that regions do not consume memory or disk space, they are indexes that reference the actual data contained in your files.

The application provides a convenient mechanism to generate names for (sub)regions created during editing operations.

The root region gets the name of the file it was created from. Sub regions get names created appending a suffix to their parent region name. You can create unlimited levels of subregions (sub regions of sub regions and so on), so the parent of a sub region isn't necessary a root region.

To improve readability of the region list you can expand/shrink it on the horizontal axis.

  • to expand the region list place the mouse pointer over the listview (don't click) and hit the LEFT cursor key.
  • to shrink the region list place the mouse pointer over the listview (don't click) and hit the RIGHT cursor key.

The highlighted region in the region list is the selected region.

You can get informations on the selected region by using the Region->Informations... menu item.

  • To drop the selected region at the cursor position on the timeline, hit RETURN.
  • To drop the selected region on the timeline entering a numeric timecode, hit SHIFT-RETURN.

Extras. (available depending on version)
  • to scroll the region list up place the mouse pointer over the listview (don't click) and hit the UP cursor key.
  • to scroll the region list down place the mouse pointer over the listview (don't click) and hit the DOWN cursor key.
  • for auditioning the selected region hit ENTER in the numeric keypad.
  • to create a new folder for storing regions, use the Region->New Folder menu item. You can nest folders into folders.
  • to enter a folder double-click on its name or select it then hit RETURN.
  • to exit a folder double click on the parent symbol <..> or select it then hit RETURN.
  • to remove a region/folder place the mouse pointer over the listview then hit DEL.
  • to move a region/folder into another folder select it then use then Copy/Paste commands into the Region menu item. When pasting a region/folder the original gets moved to the new position. Please note that Copy is not named Cut here as data gets moved only when pasting, unlike a normal Cut operation.

Tracks Area

Use this area to edit both your audio and automation tracks.

The toolbar icons
  • Set Edit Mode:Audio
  • Set Edit Mode:Automation
let you select what material to work on.

Global View Area

This area lets you monitor what part of the whole timeline is currently displayed on screen. It also shows what part of the timeline is possibly ranged.

  • The black bars display the part of the timeline on screen.
  • The white bar displays the range possibly defined.

Scroll/Zoom Gadgets (available depending on version)

These gadgets allow you to scroll and zoom into the timeline.

Note that these gadgets are integrative meaning that if you drag the knob and keep it at an offset from its central, neutral, position, the timeline will continue to scroll/zoom until you release the knob. When released, the knob automatically returns to its neutral position and the timeline stops scrolling/zooming.

Message Area

This area displays text messages from the application such as coordinates when dragging objects.